The Path to Bliss Seminar – Feb. 14th

Embraced by Boundless Light

2 sessions

Registration ends January 31st, Starts February 14th


The Path of Bliss Seminar is an inspirational study of the basic tenets of the Jodo Shu (Pure Land) tradition. This insightful course is offered to anyone who has some basic understanding of Buddhism and who is ready to experience an opening of the inner heart and inspiration from boundless compassion.

This Seminar will explore the central message of Honen, the 13th century Japanese spiritual revolutionary, with wonderful depth to bring out the brilliance and simplicity of the Buddhist Pure Land Way. Importantly, students will learn about how Buddhism can be a practical and liberating spiritual path for ordinary people living in the 21st century.

The seminar will explore essential questions like, what is the human condition? What is my purpose? How can I discover total spiritual liberation? Who or what is the vehicle to my emancipation? How do I live as a human being?


The Promise of Amida Buddha: Honen’s Path to Bliss by Joji Atone & Yoko Hayashi


Feb 14. Presented by Dharma Teacher G. Link

Mar 13. Presented by Dharma Teacher G. Link

To learn more and to register, visit our New England Institute for Buddhist Studies’ web site here.