Great Compassion Fund

How to share Maha Karuna ?

heartIn the heart of our efforts lies the principle of Maha Karuna, or “Great Compassion.” Maha Karuna is a cornerstone of Buddhist practice, representing an infinite and unconditional compassion that transcends all boundaries. It is the profound empathy and commitment to alleviating the suffering of all beings, driven by the recognition of our shared humanity and interconnectedness.

Your donation to our Great Compassion Fund is a profound act of generosity that supports both our operational needs and our vital outreach efforts. By contributing, you help ensure that we can maintain our activities, and expand our programs to reach more individuals interested in learning and practicing the Buddha Dharma. This fund is instrumental in sustaining our mission and amplifying our impact in the community and beyond.

Join us in embodying the essence of Maha Karuna. Your donation to the Great Compassion Fund is more than just financial support; it is a powerful expression of empathy and a commitment to making the world a more compassionate place through the Buddhist teachings. Together, we can sustain our operations, expand our reach, and uplift those in need. Please donate today and be a part of this transformative journey.

Great Compassion Fund


“If you knew, as I do, the power of giving, you would not let a single meal pass without sharing some of it.”

                                                                         –The Buddha