Practice and Talk Meeting

Attend, Practice & Learn

twice a month on Sunday**
9 a.m. – 10: 40 a.m.
All are welcomed. No Experience Necessary

Since 2001, we have explored the core teachings and practices of Buddhism, as a philosophy of life, deep spiritual practice and as a guide to transformative awakening, that blends classic Buddhism with the inspirational and heart-felt Shin Buddhist teachings, with one of Connecticut’s most well-known Buddhist teachers, Rev. Daishin Senpai, M.A. at one of the most unequalled spiritual locations in Connecticut.

Our Practice & Talk meetings are enriching occasions to personally engage the Dharma (Buddhism) in a an innovative, gentle, and meaningful way. Meetings include silent sitting meditation, sacred chants, talks and discussions. Open to the general public, first-timers, and veteran practitioners, Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike.

Our Practice & Talk meetings have been the defining feature of our community since our inception. Meeting on certain Sunday mornings, at the Mansfield Freeman Center for East Asian Studies, our Practice & Talk meetings are ideal for those just starting to explore the Buddhist teachings, as well as, being relevant to the most veteran of adherents.  Our simple format makes it easy for any participant to follow along and to come away with a nugget of insight and a touch of the Great Compassion.

Our Sunday practice includes an inspirational liturgy with traditional chants, and quiet sitting meditation, along with, an practical exploration of Buddhism from a contemporary point of view, which takes into account American culture, psychology, the evolutionary sciences and physics, and openly accepts the wisdom of other Buddhist schools and Western philosophy. To learn more, visit our FAQ: Sunday Meetings web page HERE.

I’ve never meditated before? I don’t know anything about Buddhism?

No problem. Visit the links below to get an idea on how to practice sitting meditation.

You don’t need to know anything about Buddhism to participate. Don’t be deterred. Our easy Practice & Talk format is designed to help you understand and appreciate the practice and subject matter being discussed.

Meditation by Ven. S. Dhammika

How to Practice Buddhist Meditation (with photos) by WikiHow

Suggested donation of $10 to $15 per person to help cover the costs: extensive outreach, internet service, Zoom Communications, Meetup and other standard operating costs.  Thank you for your financial support.

Code of Conduct: In order to create a positive learning and practice environment at the Buddhist Faith Fellowship of Connecticut (BFF of CT), participants are expected to engage in kind, courteous, and respectful actions and speech. Therefore, participants agree to abstain from:

  • Engaging in unlawful actions (which will be reported to the police)
  • Physical, verbal, and emotional abuse or harassment
  • Possessing, using, or being under the influence of alcohol, marijuana, or any illegal substances
  • Sexual harassment in any form
  • Using harmful, harsh, political, racist, and demeaning language
  • Acting or speaking divisively to disrupt the BFF of CT community
  • Damaging any physical object or the premise of the center

Participants understand and agree to abide by the Buddhist Faith Fellowship’s Code of Conduct, refraining from any disruptive behavior that inhibits the learning and practice of other participants in any course, workshop, retreat, program, or community activity. Participants acknowledge that failure to adhere to this code of conduct will result in being asked to leave the premises, temporarily or permanently, without a refund of any fees or donations for the course, workshop, retreat, or program.

**Mostly two or even three times on Sundays of the month; except during winter and summer recess, and the availability of our teacher, Rev. Senpai, M.A.