Shin Buddhist Books & Resources

River of Fire, River of Water at Buddhist Faith Fellowship of CT

BCA BOOKSTORE – If you need personal religious supplies like incense, Buddhist necklaces, meditation bracelets, Shin books, music, scrolls, and more, then, we recommend the BCA Bookstore. It is the largest Shin Buddhist (Jodo Shinshu) store/online store in North America. Click here to visit the BCA Bookstore.

Highly Recommended Shin Buddhist books that are available via BCA Bookstore or Amazon.

  • River of Fire, River of Water by Taitetsu Unno
  • Shin Buddhism: Bits of Rubble by Taitetsu Unno
  • Ocean:An Introduction to Jodo Shinshu in America by Dr Kenneth Tanaka
  • Dharma Breeze by Nobuo Haneda
  • The Buddha of Infinite Light by DT Suzuki

Below are links to fascinating Shin Buddhist articles from a wide variety of topics.

Dharma Realm Podcasts. This is a series of conversations between Rev. Harry Gyokyo Bridge and Scott A. Mitchell relating to Shin Buddhist topics.

NEMBUTSU.INFO. This Australian web site offers an excellent introduction to Shin Buddhism. It covers the nature of Amida and the Pure Land, Shinjin, the Sacred Name (Nembustsu) and Shin’s history and views on meditation.

DHARMA TALKS ON-LINE: Listen to Dharma Talks from past Sunday Services and other guest speakers from the Seattle Betsuin Church.

shin-buddhism Unno at Buddhist Faith Fellowship of Connecticut

BUDDHISM TODAY: This on-line magazine provides a multitude of excellent articles dealing with human rights, ethics, environmental and political issues, economics, meditation, management, holy places, science, poetry and Buddhist teachings.

BASIC PURELAND BUDDHIST SCRIPTURES AND COMMENTARIES includes the Larger and Smaller Sutras, On Faith Alone and Glossary

WHY BUDDHISM, WHY NOW? AND WHY IN AMERICA By Jan Nattlier. What fuels this attraction to the Buddhist faith? How are we to account for the fact that millions of Americans who were not raised as Buddhists are now drawn to The religion of love and enlightenment.

SHARING OUR FAITH WITH THE WORLD by Dr. Alfred Bloom. The e-article explores the issue of sharing the dharma with all, Shinran’s vision, style and approach to mission work. A great read!

SHIN DHARMA NET: This web site offers a excellent resources, a Shin study course, sutras, documents, poetry, good links and more…

TANNISHO: A SHIN BUDDHIST CLASSIC, translated by Dr. Taitestu Unno. These are some of the sayings of Shinran Shonin recorded after his death.

THE COLLECTED WORKS OF SHINRAN SHONIN sponsored by the Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha offers all of the works of this Buddhist reformer. It is a must to read and study!

IS SHIN BUDDHISM THE SAME AS CHRISTIANITY? by Rev. Philipp Karl Eidmann. This article discusses the similiarities and wide differences between these two traditions.

SHINJIN: THE CENTER OF EXPERIENCE: This article describes this dual nature with the term “true- entrusting”, SHINJIN. Written by Jerry Bolick