It is with deepest gratitude and heartfelt joy that we celebrate the passing of our beloved Teacher, Patricia Shelton, known affectionately as Zenma, into the clear light at the moment of death, Sunday October 30, 2022 at 520 pm. She was able to receive spiritual assistance from her beloved daughter and several long-term students as…
We are so happy to announce that our Practice & Talk Meetings and many other programs have returned to the Mansfield Freeman Center for East Asian Studies at Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut. The FEAS room is Connecticut’s most unique and spectacular venues, overlooking a Zen garden, to learn and practice the Buddha’s teachings of…
Written by Rev. Daishin Senpai, M.A, this Buddhist Prayer for Peace was recited by the congregants at the Practice & Talk Meeting on Sunday, February 27, 2022. “We pray for peace in the world. May all beings everywhere, seen and unseen, close and far away Be free from harm and danger. May those who are…
What is the Buddhist perspective on vaccine mandates? Buddhist practitioners deeply recognize the vast interconnectedness of life and strive to work for the common good and benefit of others. As such, we acknowledge that to promote the general welfare and common good of others, we must take care of our minds and bodies through the…
Our Stoa Buddhist Philosophy Group is announcing its new 2022 book to be discussed; it will be “How to a Stoic” by Massimo Pugliucci. We will explore this great book in order to learn and practice a philosophy of life (& integrating Buddhist teachings too) to thrive in the modern world. You can purchase this…
We are happy to announce that the Buddhist Faith Fellowship is celebrating its 21st year in living and sharing the Buddhist teachings in Connecticut and beyond. Established in 2001 by our founding teacher, Daishin Senpai Sensei, M.A. just around the corner from ESPN in Bristol, Connecticut. Thereafter, with a brief stint in West Hartford, the…
Tis the season to take a break. From December 19, 2021 to February 9, 2022, the Buddhist Faith Fellowship’s online Practice & Talk and Stoa Buddhist meetings will take their annual Winter Recess, however the 12 Step Buddhist Group in Middletown, Connecticut will continue to gather weekly in-person on Mondays at 7 p.m. Important note:…
From July 18th to September 2nd 2021, the Buddhist Faith Fellowship will be on summer recess, however the 12 Step Buddhist Group in Middletown, Connecticut will continue to gather weekly on Mondays at 7 p.m. Starting in September, the Stoa Buddhist Philosophy Group will meet in-person, and concurrently on Zoom, at the new Gran Café…
The Buddhist Faith Fellowship is celebrating its platinum year in living and sharing the Buddhist teachings in Connecticut and beyond. We were established in 2001 by our founding teacher, Daishin Senpai Sensei, just around the corner from ESPN in Bristol, Connecticut. Thereafter, with a brief stint in West Hartford, the fellowship had centered its activities…