See Clearly, Live Mindfully, and Connect Fully
Open Enrollment opens in Spring 2025
Enrollment ends July 3, 2025, Classes begin on July 13.
Early Bird Discount Available – See below for code

The online Buddhism 101 Course – The Heart of Buddhist Wisdom offers an engaging introduction to the profound teachings of Mahayana Buddhism, focusing on its most influential scriptures and the deep wisdom they reveal. 5-week, 3-class series will explore essential concepts such as emptiness (shunyata), interconnectedness, and dependent co-origination—key insights that shape how we understand ourselves and the world. Through guided discussion and reflection, participants will examine the Diamond Sutra, Lotus Sutra, Avatamsaka Sutra, and Vimalakirti Sutra, uncovering their teachings on wisdom, compassion, and the bodhisattva path. This course is designed to make these profound texts accessible and relevant to everyday life, helping students integrate Buddhist wisdom into their own spiritual journey.
In addition to exploring these foundational Mahayana sutras, this module provides an introduction to Zen Buddhism and the Prajnaparamita (Wisdom) teachings, particularly through the Heart Sutra, which challenges us to move beyond fixed views and cultivate a deeper awareness of the present moment. Mindfulness practice will be incorporated into each session, allowing participants to directly experience these teachings rather than simply study them. Whether you are new to Buddhism or continuing your exploration, this course invites you to engage with Mahayana’s vast and transformative vision in a way that is both practical and deeply illuminating.
Buddhism 101: Module 3 – Open Enrollment, No Prerequisites
This Module 3 course is part of the Buddhism 101 course series, designed to offer accessible and engaging introductions to various aspects of Buddhist philosophy and practice. Each module in this series stands alone, meaning you can enroll in any module without needing to complete others first. Whether you’re new to Buddhism or deepening an existing practice, you can jump into the topics that interest you most without worrying about prerequisites.
The modules are not sequential, so you can take them in any order, depending on your interests and schedule. With open enrollment, this flexible format allows anyone to join at any time, making it easy to explore Buddhism on your own terms.
All modules in the Buddhism 101 series, including this 3-session course, offer insightful class discussions and ample opportunities to learn, practice essential spiritual tools, and group mindfulness practice, guiding you toward awakening to the Oneness of Reality and discovering your life’s purpose.
Book Selection & Dates
Click on book titles to order:
July 13. Cultivating the Mind of Love by Thich Nhat Hanh
July 27. Heart of Understanding by Thich Nhat Hanh
August 10. Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind by Shunryu Suzuki
We also want to let you know that the Buddhist Faith Fellowship is part of the non-profit Amazon Affiliate Program. This means that when you purchase any item through our affiliate links above (click on book titles), a small portion of the sale helps us cover operating costs and fund our programs. Your support allows us to continue and expand our offerings, bringing the Dharma to more people. Thank you for walking this path with us!
The Course
Pre-requisites: none.
Education: This course explores basic Mahayana Buddhist philosophy and psychology in a practical and accessible way for beginner and intermediate practitioners or just the curious. Includes mindfulness practice and surveys the intersection between religion and spirituality.
Course Requirements: This 101 Course module 3 has four components to be completed by the student.
- Reading the books and completing the assignments.
- Attending the online classes.
- Attending our Sunday morning gathering if your live in Connecticut or local group.
- Practicing what is learned.

Attendance & Commitment: If you live in Connecticut, all students should strive for a 75% Sunday morning Practice & Talk Meeting attendance record from the beginning to the end of the course. If you live outside of Connecticut, you should seek a local Buddhist group in your area (if there is one). This is part of the sedimentation process that allows us to assimilate the teachings into our daily life and to learn from other experienced teachers. Community practice is an important component of the Buddha’s Way to spiritual transformation. We cannot do it alone and we need the sangha (community of practitioners) to help us along the journey.
Absences from classes: All students are allowed just one absence from a class but assignments must be delivered via e-mail before the missed class. Attendance will be taken.
Discipline: In order to experience spiritual transformation and realize understanding one must be committed to the process such as practicing at home, work and in relationships, attending the classes, a local Buddhist practice meeting, and completing all of the assignments. Our 101 course is not a book discussion group but is a structured program to help you live the Buddha’s teachings in everyday life.
Assignments: All assignments are based on the readings and will be sent to students via e-mail. They must be completed and handed in at the time of the class. First homework assignment is due on the first-class meeting. All assignments will be collected and reviewed.
Books: Students are responsible to purchase their course books at a local bookseller or online. We suggest students purchase all books well in advance in order to allow enough time for delivery & the completion of assignments.
Contribution: $185.
Early Bird Discount of 15% until June 16, 2025
Discount Code: module3
Open Enrollment ends July 3, 2025
Time, Frequency & Place: It will meet 3x, on Sunday evenings for 5 weeks. Online classes will be approx. 90 minutes – 2.5 hours each , 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. EST (USA & Canada) or (GMT-5). See dates above. The unique Zoom link will be sent to registered students.
Teacher: Rev. D. Senpai, M.A., BFF of CT’s guiding teacher and Shin practicer, and student of Venerable Thich Tri Hong and the esteemed and late Dr. (Rev.) Taitetsu Unno, will be the instructor for this course. For details, see bio in Our Teachers web page under the ABOUT tab.
Certificate, Becoming a Buddhist & Teacher
Upon completion of the six Buddhist 101 modules – along with one additional course and retreats, students will be eligible for graduation. The requirements for graduation include:
- Class attendance
- Assignment completion
- Retreat experience
- Sunday morning attendance or participation in a local group
A Graduation Ceremony will be conducted at two locations:
- At the Buddhist Faith Fellowship in Middletown for Connecticut residents
- A special online ceremony for students outside of Connecticut
During this ceremony, graduates will receive an Affirmation Certificate. Those who wish to formally become Buddhists may participate in an optional Affirmation Ceremony, which includes:
- Going for Refuge in the Three Jewels
- Reciting the Shin Affirmation
- Receiving the community’s kata (monto shikisho)
- Choosing a meaningful dharma name
Your instructor will provide information about this opportunity during the course. The Buddhism 101 course will serve as a basic requirement for future programs. When the Buddhist Faith Fellowship reopens its pathway for those seeking to become certified