Dharma Discussions

Dharma Discussions are posts that are not time-sensitive and are related to the theory or practice of Buddhism. These are called “Sermons” in the Admin interface because we are using an off-the-shelf church theme that doesn’t know about Buddhist terminology. These are listed on the “Dharma Talks” page.

To create a new “Sermon” use the “+New” menu on the top menu bar that appears at the top of the screen when you are logged in, or use the “Sermons|Add New” menu from the sidebar on any admin page.

To edit an existing Sermon click the Edit button on the Sermon page.

If you can’t get to the page, go directly to the site admin dashboard at https://bffct.org/bff/wp-admin/, or use  “<site name>|Edit Site” on the top menu bar if you are already logged in. Then select “Sermons|All Sermons” on the sidebar, find the Sermon using the Search function if necessary, and click “Edit.”

At a minimum you just need to enter the title and some text and press the “Publish” button on the upper right.

However for readability and to help search engines find the site you should also do the following:

  • Select a topic in the Sermon Topics box.
  • If any books are referenced, enter them in the Sermon Books box.
  • If the talk is part of a series, enter in the the Sermon Series box.
  • Enter the speaker in the Sermon Speakers box.
  • Enter a tag in the Sermon Tags box. This is a single word or short phrase that gives the topic of the post.
  • Use “Set Featured Image” to associate an image with the post.
  • If you have entered the full transcript or the full handout text in the main text box, check “Full Text” under Sermon Media and enter a 1-paragraph summary in the Excerpt box.

Sermon Media:

  • Video. To save bandwidth and provide a more consistent user experience we recommend storing videos on YouTube. (To have it uploaded to the BFFCT YouTube account see Glenn.) Copy the URL of the main YouTube page for the video and paste it into the Video box.
  • Audio. Upload an .mp3 audio file with the “Choose Audio” button. Add the tag “Podcast” in the tags box.
  • PDF. You can use the “Choose PDF” button to attach a PDF file.