Toni’s Story

This talk and subsequent Q & A will explore the Buddhist teaching of compassion through a real story of young woman, Toni. At the prime of her life with all the hope of the future before her, Toni falls ill with an incurable disease. Compassion in the Buddhist context comes from the Sanskrit work karuna, which means empathy and the selfless act of alleviating the suffering of another. It is not a feeling of sympathy or pity. In addition, compassion can be considered a form practice. How can we cultivate compassion? What are its obstacles? Can we truly be compassionate? What can we learn from Toni’s story about ourselves? Presented by Dharma Teacher Rhusan.

Sliding scale suggested donation $10 – $20

A short Introduction to Meditation Training session will be held before the gathering at 9:45 a.m.


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