Shin Buddhist Retreat/Workshop Barre Center for Buddhist Studies, Barre, MA July 31- August 2, 2015 What is it to be a complete human being? Who am I? How can I live? What is my spiritual potential? These are some of the questions that will be explored in this unique retreat experience. This annual and…
This annual and unique retreat/workshop will take place on July 31 -August 2 in Barre, Ma, from Friday 7:30 p.m. – Sunday 2 p.m. It is not a NEIBS sponsored event but we highly recommended this experience to anyone interested in learning about Shin, a Buddhism for ordinary working people. To learn more and to…
We are pleased to announce that the Buddhist Faith Fellowship of CT is now offering a special family service just prior to its regular Sunday gathering twice a month. (1st & 3rd Sundays- please refer to calendar for any updates/changes). This special practice session is geared toward families with children aged birth to twelve. Please…
In Mahayana Buddhism, a bodhisattva; is an enlightened (bodhi) being (sattva). Traditionally, a bodhisattva is anyone on the Buddhist path who, motivated by great compassion, seeks enlightenment for the benefit of all beings but decides to forgo supreme enlightenment for the benefit of working for the benefit of all sentient beings. This talk will explore…
Buddhism teaches us that our ordinary mind us none other than the path itself. How is this so? This dharma talk will look into how we can see and experience this truth through unconditional eyes. Often we strive to manage our life. However, Buddhism speaks of naturally living a life that is well-lived. We speak…
We will not be meeting this Sunday. However, next week we will have a regularly scheduled practice. The talk and Q & A is titled, “Even the Present Moment Is an Illusion”.
Happy Fourth of July!! Enjoy the nation’s independence day with its revolutionary ideals of liberty, equality before the law, and limited constitutional government. Let us celebrate in thanksgiving. The Fellowship will not be meeting this weekend.
The Buddha is still speaking to us from over 2,000 years ago. How can we best hear his message? How can take his teaching to heart? 21st century Americans tend to misunderstand and overlook the metaphysical and religious foundations of the teachings. Based on David Brazier book with the same name, the talk and subsequent…
This regular and popular monthly practice is an ancient form of deep listening; Dhammanusati is proven practice to develop an authentic spiritual connection and transformation. In keeping in line with Summer Solstice, this month’s special reading will focus on the Buddha’s words on light and darkness. The central practices of Buddhism are meditation and Buddha-recitation…
Original sin vs the Buddhist view of original goodness. Buddha nature is the fundamental and awakened nature of all beings. It is because of this fact, that we human beings have the inherent capacity to realize enlightenment, and thus transcend dukkha. This talk will look into the Buddha’s teaching on Buddha nature from the Mahayana…