Recycling as a Buddhist Practice

According to Buddhist teaching, all life is interrelated and interdependent. Our natural environment is alive and at least partly conscious. It is not considered sacred nor profane, good nor evil or to be dominated. The deep reality of nature is not separate from our fully enlightened nature (Buddha-nature).

This insightful talk and subsequent Q & A will discuss how recycling can serve not only as a metaphor to Buddhist practice but also become an integral part of daily practice and reflection. Dharma teacher Saicho will explain how our engagement with the natural environment as a Buddhist practice will necessarily unveil our interconnectedness, impermanence, and issues of attachment and aversion. Presented by Dharma Teacher Saicho.


“I entrust myself to Earth;
Earth entrusts herself to me.
I entrust myself to Buddha;
Buddha entrusts herself to me.

The Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh

Sliding scale suggested donation $10 – $25 

A short Introduction to Meditation Training session will be held before the gathering at 9:45 a.m.


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