Potluck Picnic: Annual Fellowship Day

Come and attend our annual potluck community picnic for BFF of CT supporting members, friends, and attendees. We have a pavilion so it will be a rain or shine event.  Come with family and invite some friends. If you have children, please bring toys; there is a large playground for them to play with others (see below).

***For BFF of CT community only: supporting members, regular attendees, Family Practice, 12 Step, Clear Light, and Buddhism 1.0 students, and their families.

How to find us at the Pierson Park? Look for the pavilion with the multi-colored Buddhist flag.

To learn more about the park and location, visit Pierson Park, Cromwell.

Email us to let us know what you will be bringing. (See Contact tab) What is needed? veggie burgers, desserts, salads, condiments, juice, water, disposable plates and utensils, napkins, seltzer water, etc. Whatever is needed in a typical Memorial Day picnic, we will need. We will bring the burgers, hotdogs, buns and charcoal.

IMPORTANT NOTE: On this holiday weekend, there will not be a Sunday morning Practice & Talk Meeting at 9 a.m.
