Due to the Covid-19 Health situation, the Stoa Buddhist Philosophy Group gatherings online via Zoom. We offer a non-academic book discussion format where those interested in both Stoicism and Buddhism can come together and learn from the text being read and from each other through the guidance of a Stoic practitioner who is also an experienced Buddhist teacher. Our approach is to learn about the art of living and to strive toward the unfolding of our human potential for inner happiness, flourishing, and enlightenment. No experience or knowledge of Buddhism or Stoicism is necessary to attend this online meeting.
We will be hosting our online Stoa Buddhist Philosophy Group Meeting this Wednesday, from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. We hope you can join us.

Our new discussion book is titled Seneca – “Dialogues and Essays” by Oxford World Classics 2019.
To join the Stoa Buddhist Meeting click on the link below.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 810 005 208
Password: 868922
WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND that you give yourself time to sign-in before 6 p.m. meeting.
Stoa Buddhist Philosophy Group Rules: Practice kind speech, be courteous, and abstain from talking about current politics. Talking about ancient Greek/Roman or even up to the end of WW II is okay.
Suggested Donation: $1 – $5 to help cover costs for using Zoom Video Communications, internet services, and standard operating costs. Thank you in advance for your generous support. Please visit, https://bffct.org/bff/give/