Loving-kindness Luncheon

Girl with Elephant

Come and join us to celebrate Valentine’s Day

**We will share a potluck meal
**We will learn how to practice Loving-Kindness (aka Metta) Meditation.

Loving-Kindness Meditation is a skillful way to cultivate love and compassion for yourself and others. It is a simple yet powerful tool to enhance your meditation practice. Please come with an empty stomach and an open mind!

Please contact: Pam153@sbcglobal.net to register for this event and to let us know what potluck item you would like to bring. If you do not wish to bring a potluck item a $5 donation would be greatly appreciated!

**Please bring a potluck item to share!
**Nutritious Food/Snacks are encouraged!

“May all beings be filled with loving-kindness.”


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