Energetic Healing Workshop: Emotional Mastery of Body Mind

This special workshop offers unique meditative techniques for clearing out and transforming emotional clutter. The Emotional Mastery of Body-Mind treasury is composed of a variety of techniques utilizing breath-work, acupressure, and body postures, originally developed by ancient Himalayan mountain yogis for the purpose of enhancing one’s meditative experience by reducing the power of strong emotional and habit energies that prevent us from experiencing the peace and clarity that we seek.

-Learn what to do with your anger, sadness, limiting beliefs

-Develop genuine self-confidence

-Discover simple and effective techniques to transform your strong emotions into healing energy

This workshop will review core dissolving technique as well as a special exercise for transforming grief, sadness, and limiting beliefs into joy and genuine confidence.

Pre-requisites: none

Instructor: Melissa Lewis, RN BSN has dedicated much of her career to caring for individuals and families in home health and hospice. She began extensive training with The Clear Light Society’s Founding Director, Patricia Shelton in 1995. Her core practicum included zen meditation and koan study, Emotional Mastery of Body-Mind, Heartspace Meditation, and Clear Light Meditation for the Dying. She currently serves as director of community education for The Clear Light Society; leading meditation groups and offering workshops for both medical professionals and the general community.

Suggested Donation: Regularly $108; special “giving-thanks” rate $60 available at the door

For more information go to www.clearlightsociety.org