Autumn Equinox: The Balance of Light and Darkness

This Buddhist holiday called Higan is held at this time of the year when there is an astronomical balance of light and darkness. Higan is a time in which we reflect on our Buddhist lifestyle, our personal successes and failures, and make a re-dedication to practice the path of love, compassion, faith and understanding.

In the Buddhist Equinox Ceremony, the mindfulness bell is struck 21 times; the first four strikes bell represent the Four Noble Truths, then, eight more strikes symbolize for the Eightfold Path, six times for the Six Paramitas and finally three times for the Three Jewels. The ceremony includes a special spiritual equinox poem as a reflection. Open to the public and good introduction for newcomers to Shin Buddhism (much to learn & experience).

The talk and Q & A will be titled, “Radiant Face” – Awakening means seeing with understanding and compassion. How we can see the light in our ourselves and in all beings? Taking a cue from the Larger Sutra of Infinite Light and Life, when Buddha’s disciple Ananda was astonished to discover the glow of the Buddha’s countenance, this talk and Q & A will focus on how we can see our true face and the face of all things. Presented by Rev. G. Lewis-Bastías.


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