PayPal Buttons

It is often useful to add a Paypal button to a post to let the reader easily make a donation for a specific purpose. The easiest way to do this is to use the Nice PayPal Button plugin, which should be enabled on all of our subsites.

To insert the button into your post, just use a shortcode like one of the following. (Do not put a space after the leading square bracket. I put that in so you would see the shortcode instead of the button.)

[ nicepaypal type=”donate” name=”Capital Fund” amount=”50.00″]

[nicepaypal type=”donate” name=”Capital Fund” amount=”50.00″]

[ nicepaypal type=”buy” name=”Nembutsu Scroll” amount=”69.99″]

[nicepaypal type=”buy” name=”Nembutsu Scroll” amount=”69.99″]

[ nicepaypal type=”pay” name=”Pay for something” amount=”10.00″]

[nicepaypal type=”pay” name=”Pay for something” amount=”10.00″]

[ nicepaypal type=”donate” name=”Donate custom amount” amount=”field;Enter Amount;99..99″]

[nicepaypal type=”donate” name=”Donate custom amount” amount=”field;Enter Amount;99..99″]

For more options see the Nice PayPal Button documentation.

Note that when we are selling actual shippable merchandise it is better to enter it in the Shop subsite, which provides a shopping cart and better tracking features.