Please complete our enrollment form to pre-register, select a membership level, and RSVP on Meetup.
We hope you and your child can join us once a month on Sunday mornings. There are 3 Steps required for enrollment. Your child may not be able to attend without completing these three steps.
1. Fill out enrollment form
Please complete our enrollment form by clicking on the following link:
Your confirmation email will include directions to our campus location and any updated information. Mindful Kids is located in a building just down the street from the College for East Asian Studies at Wesleyan University where the adult gathering takes place.
2. Make a membership pledge
Return to our Tuition Information web page and select a Membership Level or you may contribute on a class-by-class basis.
3. Join & RSVP to attend
Then, visit our RVSP to Attend web page to join Click here to learn more and link.