Past Events (Page 67)

Relax, Trust, Thank

On Easter Sunday, learn about the 3 Essential Daily Practices in Pure Land Buddhism to encourage a happier and more meaningful life. Presented by Shoju based on an essay by Ven. Zhi Sheng.

A Child of Destiny – Buddha’s Birthday

Celebrate Flower Festival, known as Hana-masturi, which honors the birth of the historical Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama over 2,500 years ago. Come and join us in our multi-media presentation of the birth story and learn about the basic teachings of the Buddha, wash and offer flowers to the baby Buddha, listen to sacred chants and more.…


Souls of Zen follows Buddhist priests through the aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami that killed nearly 20,000 people in Japan in March 2011. This film presents perspectives on the important roles Buddhism played in the care of those lost or bereaved in the aftermath of the 3/11 disaster. Free and open to the public…

The Dharma of Richard Gere

This short but insightful BBC video looks into Richard Gere’s perspective on the Buddhist teachings. Mr. Gere has been on a spiritual journey for over 30 years and since the early 1980s has been a student of the HH Dalai Lama. The discussion will reflect on his viewpoint, the challenges and gifts of our spiritual…

How the Dhammapada Set Me Free

The Dhammapada is an ancient collection of the Buddha’s sayings. They are insightful, spiritual and quite psychological. It is a scripture that is accepted by all school of Buddhism. This talk will unveil how the Buddha’s words hold a powerful effect for over 2,600 centuries. Shoshin will talk how these sayings changed her life. She…

Mindfulness/Loving-­kindness Luncheon

Come and join us to celebrate mindfulness & universal love Sunday, March 16th 12:30pm-2:30pm Buddhist Benefit Luncheon & Mindfulness Meditation at Lan Chi’s Vietnamese Restaurant 505 Main St. Middletown, CT 25% of proceeds will benefit the Buddhist Faith Fellowship of CT. Come join us for a delicious meal, mindfulness practices, and help support a local…

Life is a Process of Change and Growth

[Description] A look into the deep spirituality and basic values of Shin Buddhism. This well-done and inspirational video explores why Shin is attracted to Westerners and how its changes lives. This video is from the Honpa Honganji Mission of Hawaii. Presented by Rev. D. Senpai.

Buddhist Film Festival February Feature

Words of My Perfect Teacher — filmed over 3 continents and 3 years- provides an up close look at the life of Khyentse Norbu – a modern day Rimpoche — who is also a filmmaker (The Cup, Travelers and Magicians) and one of the world’s most eminent Tibetan Buddhist teachers.

Why Am I A Buddhist and particularly a Shin Buddhist?

Dharma Teacher Shoju will explore the Buddha’s teachings to discover how they inspire us the path to true entrusting and ease suffering. What makes the Buddha’s way so attractive to people? Why is the Shin Way so appealing? Presented by Shoju

Loving-kindness Luncheon

Come and join us to celebrate Valentine’s Day **We will share a potluck meal **We will learn how to practice Loving-Kindness (aka Metta) Meditation. Loving-Kindness Meditation is a skillful way to cultivate love and compassion for yourself and others. It is a simple yet powerful tool to enhance your meditation practice. Please come with an…