Past Events (Page 65)

Never Disparage and the Magic Castle

This talk and Q & A will explore the first step of the Buddhist path and its final goal that is often overlooked by its adherents. Presented by Rev. D. Senpai.

Mindfulness Retreat

Our 12th annual one day Buddhist retreat (sesshin) will take place at the beautiful Dae Yen Sa Temple. The theme is This Present Moment where life is truly lived. Practice calming the mind so you can open your heart to true peace and gratitude. Beginners to the most advanced are welcomed. Basic instruction will be given to beginners. Our…

Memorial Sunday Potluck Picnic

Rain or Shine @Veteran’s Memorial Park, Middletown, Ct You are invited to our 12th annual potluck Memorial Sunday Weekend/Wisteria Festival Picnic. It will take place at Veteran’s Memorial Park in Middletown from 12:00 – 3 p.m.. We will celebrate the coming of summer, our fellowship under the pavilion closest to the main entrance; it will…

Suicide and the First Buddhist Precept

Buddhism teaches that suicide is an act to be avoided, as it is the taking of life. In America, suicide is looked at with a combination of horror, fear and revulsion, even to the point of being a taboo subject. However, how is suicide viewed in other predominantly Buddhist cultures? Based on two articles that…


“Ravishingly beautiful spellbinding stunning visionary as intense an experience of being in nature as one could hope to glean from a film In gazing into the physical world with fixity, clarity and depth rarely found in the cinema, WHY HAS BODHI-DHARMA LEFT FOR THE EAST? goes about as far as a film can go.” –…

Relax, Trust, Thank

On Easter Sunday, learn about the 3 Essential Daily Practices in Pure Land Buddhism to encourage a happier and more meaningful life. Presented by Shoju based on an essay by Ven. Zhi Sheng.