Past Events (Page 62)

Toni’s Story

This talk and subsequent Q & A will explore the Buddhist teaching of compassion through a real story of young woman, Toni. At the prime of her life with all the hope of the future before her, Toni falls ill with an incurable disease. Compassion in the Buddhist context comes from the Sanskrit work karuna,…

Buddhism 101 Course: Awareness, Balance, and Compassion

Learn about the Buddhist path from the ground up. Who was the Buddha and his disciples, and the Eightfold Path? What is meditation? How do can you meditate?  What are the Buddha’s teachings for ordinary working people?   Our Buddhism Course 101 is offered to all those interested in surveying the Buddha’s life and teachings, and how they are applied…

Lunch and Learn Seminar on Buddhism

Learn about Buddhism and how to walk its path Beginners, the curious and the general public are invited to attend our free seminar. This special informal Q & A Seminar will explore what Buddhists believe and experience, their practices, culture, and rituals. If you are new to Buddhism, this is a great way to listen, learn, and…

Our True Home

Where is our true home? So many of us feel alienated and at a loss. We feel like we do not have a place in this world to rest or even a purpose to live. Where do we belong and what is our place in the world? What is the meaning of living in the…

Beginning Anew: Welcome 2015 with Renewal and Peace

Start off 2015 with inner renewal and hope.  Our annual Beginning Anew Ceremony is a powerfully introspective and intensely emotional experience. It allows participants to look deeply within their hearts, share their feelings about others and events, and to let go of personal obstacles in order to awaken to peace and inner balance. Participants tend…

Bodhi Day Sunday – A Holiday Practice with Mindfulness

There will be a special Buddhist gathering on the story and significance of the historical Buddha’s enlightenment. This Buddhist holiday practice remembers the day the historical Buddha attained enlightenment under the Bodhi tree over 2,500 years ago in Bodh Gaya, India. Event includes a presentation of the story, sitting meditation, mindfulness practice, and chants for…

Listening for Guidance and Looking for the Pure Land in Daily Life

The talk will look into how the main Shin practice of deep hearing , known as monpo practice in Japanese, provides direction and awareness along the path. Hearing is a word that denotes receptiveness and openness. It is integrating of the dharma with an open-mind or beginner’s mind. How do we listen in a world…

My Journey into Other Power

This talk will look into the spiritual quest with all of its ups and downs, and everyday monotony to weird twists of fate. Dharma Teacher Rhusan will give his personal account of this journey and how become a Pure Land Buddhist. His spiritual journey took him from being poor Christian farm boy growing up in…

The Beauty of Impermanence

The teaching of anicca or impermanence is part of the Three Marks of Existence which also includes dukkha (suffering) and anatta (no-self). This talk will look into how the insight into impermanence can be transformational in all aspects of life: at work, play, and with family. Dharma Teacher Shoshin will use a simple paperwhite bulb…

Thanksgiving the Buddhist Way

Turkey, Mashed Potatoes and Mindfulness Some would say that of all of the American holidays, it is Thanksgiving that expresses the essence of the Shin Buddhist Way. How can Buddhists encounter the teachings of the Buddha in this holiday? What can we do during the preparation of and during the dinner to unfold the Buddha’s…