Past Events (Page 62)

Buddhism 201 Course

This course begins on November 2, 2014. Our Buddhism 201 course is an intermediate-level program that covers the core of the Mahayana and the Shin Buddhist tradition. This comprehensive course is offered to to students who wish to deepen their experience in the Buddha Dharma through the study of Buddhist scripture and commentaries, the third…

The How versus the What

Buddhism focuses more on process than outcomes. It is not that the outcome is not important, such as enlightenment, but the skillful approach is necessary to truly unfold its essence. The Buddha said here are 84,000 ways to enlightenment, that is, there are countless and equal ways to practice his teachings. A personal approach to…

Autumn Mindfulness Retreat

Our autumn one-day Mindfulness Retreat will take place at the beautiful Dae Yen Sa Temple in New Hartford, Connecticut. The theme is In This Very Moment where life is truly lived. Practice the art of impartial present time awareness that calms the mind so your heart can open to true peace, interconnectedness, and gratitude. Beginners to the most advanced are…

Overcoming Habit Energies

This talk will cover the obstacles of meditation practice and fully experiencing the Buddhist lifestyle (path). There are five styles of habitual reaction, known as the Five Hindrances, that keep us off track on our journey. There are both part of being human and the journey of life, and contrariwise, they are ingrained obstacles that…

Naikan: The Art of Gratitude and Self-Reflection

Naikan practice is a unique blend of the spiritual and psychological to help you examine your life, renew your relationships, and reshape your future. Inspired by Shin Buddhist teachings, Naikan is a structured method for intensely meditating on our lives, our interconnections, and our follies. Through Naikan we can learn to cultivate a natural sense…

The Essence of Walking the Shin Path II

This talk and Q & A will uncover the heart of the Shin Buddhist teachings for everyday life. Through the examination of famous pithy sayings of Shin masters and practitioners throughout the ages, the clarity and practical teachings of Shin will come to life. This is the second part of a series of presentations. Presented…

What is our Basic Desire?

Learn about our Buddha nature, our true and real essence, and how is relates to the universal aspiration to unfold our potentialities for understanding and compassion. In Shin Buddhism, this inner aspiration is interpreted as the Primal Vow. The talk and subsequent Q & A will unravel this reality and explain how it directly relates…

Lunch and Learn Seminar on Buddhism

Learn about Buddhism and how to walk its path.   September 28, 2014. Buddhist Faith Fellowship, Mansfield Freeman Center of East Asian Studies, Wesleyan University, 343 Washington Terrace, Middletown, Ct 12:30 – 1:30 p.m.   Beginners, the curious and the general public are invited to attend our free seminar. This special informal Q & A Seminar will…

Autumn Equinox: The Balance of Light and Darkness

This Buddhist holiday called Higan is held at this time of the year when there is an astronomical balance of light and darkness. Higan is a time in which we reflect on our Buddhist lifestyle, our personal successes and failures, and make a re-dedication to practice the path of love, compassion, faith and understanding. In…

Buddhist Sunday School – Enrollment is open – Starts Sept. 14th

Registration is open to this unique parent – children program. Our goal is to offer your child the very best Sunday School experience that is consistent with the Buddha’s teachings, modern science, and psychology, effective educational pedagogy, as well as traditional and contemporary meditative training. Since 2011, we have been teaching our students a new…