Past Events (Page 46)

Body Mind Stress Reduction Meeting

Join meditation teacher Melissa Lewis RNBSN twice a month on Tuesday evenings for a special non-sectarian practice to specifically developed techniques for clearing out and transforming your stress and emotional clutter. Open to the public. No meditation experience is necessary. (See our web page here or Meet-up site here for schedule) Body Mind Stress Reduction…

12 Step Buddhist Meeting

Monday evenings 7 p.m.  – 8:30 p.m. The Church of the Holy Trinity 381 Main Street, Middletown, Connecticut Open To All In Need Are you seeking to be addiction or craving free? Are your seeking to be sober, clean and free? We have established the first Buddhist 12 Step Group for addiction recovery in the State of…


FIRST ANNUAL IN GRATITUDE TRIBUTE HONOREE  DR.DAISETZ TEITARO SUZUKI AND HIS CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE   DECEMBER 11, 2016 at THE MUSEUM OF MODERN ART | 11 W 53rd St, New York, NY DAISETZ TEITARO SUZUKI, 1870-1966. Please join the American Buddhist Study Center as we gather to celebrate Dr. Suzuki’s remarkable…

Practice and Talk Meeting

Every 2nd  and 4th Sundays of the month Ideal for beginners to the most veteran practitioners Just attend, practice, and learn. Twice a month, we offer two unique opportunities to explore the core teachings and practices of Buddhism, and the unconditional compassion of Shin Buddhism.  Our Practice & Talks are non-committing occasions to learn about…

Meditation Circle Group Meeting

Beginners as well as seasoned practitioners from all traditions are welcome to join us for our non-sectarian meditation circle. Includes basic instruction, practice, sharing, and Q & A with meditation teacher, Melissa Lewis. Visit our web page here or the Meet-up site for more details. Click here.

Buddhist Family Practice Meeting

Every 1st & 3rd Sundays 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. $10 contribution per family The Buddhist Faith Fellowship offers a special family practice twice a month just prior to its adult Meditation Sunday Practice (please refer to our Meetup Calendar for any updates/changes). Our Buddhist Family Practice (BFP), also known as Mindful Kids, is geared…

Body Mind Stress Reduction Meeting

Join meditation teacher Melissa Lewis RNBSN twice a month on Tuesday evenings for a special non-sectarian practice to specifically developed techniques for clearing out and transforming your stress and emotional clutter. Open to the public. No meditation experience is necessary. (See our web page here or Meet-up site here for schedule) Body Mind Stress Reduction…

Meditation Circle Group Meeting

Beginners as well as seasoned practitioners from all traditions are welcome to participate in the non-sectarian meditation circle. Join Dharma Teacher Melissa Lewis RNBSN on Tuesday evenings for a variety of meditation techniques and basic instruction. Participants are invited to share a brief quote, prayer, or passage which they have found meaningful in their spiritual…

Practice and Talk Meeting

Every 2nd  and 4th Sundays of the month Ideal for beginners to the most veteran practitioners Just attend, practice, and learn. Twice a month, we offer two unique opportunities to explore the core teachings and practices of Buddhism, and the unconditional compassion of Shin Buddhism.  Our Practice & Talks are non-committing occasions to learn about…

Meditation Circle Group Meeting

Beginners as well as seasoned practitioners from all traditions are welcome to join us for our non-sectarian meditation circle. Includes basic instruction, practice, sharing, and Q & A with meditation teacher, Melissa Lewis. Visit our web page here or the Meet-up site for more details. Click here.