For many who are new to Shin Buddhism, it may seem unclear how to approach the teachings and practice them in daily life. The North American Shin Buddhist Association offers a solid guide for walking the Shin Way for those new to our religion and trying to figure out what the next step is.
Designed to promote environments of awareness and connection, NASBA’s Growth Track gives you a clear direction and the necessary tools to move forward on your spiritual journey. By following its practical steps, you will connect better with the Buddha’s teachings, with your Fellowship, and with others. What’s more, the Growth Track is a training pathway for those interested in becoming a Buddhist and developing spiritual leadership.
In Shin, everything is about process; as limited beings we are not expected to attain perfection. Our practical Growth Track is a great way to discover, connect, and engage with the teachings and with others at your own pace and according to where you are spiritually at any given time. As such, some of the steps may be taken simultaneously or in a slightly different order to meet your personal learning needs. Please let any of our dharma teachers/leaders know should you have any questions or concerns.
First Step: Attend our gatherings.
Coming to our gatherings on a regular basis is the first step in walking the Shin/ Pure Land Way. Our gathering experience brings many benefits such as an increasingly calm and clear mind, an inspirational faith, and a deeper sense of personal meaning. In our community setting, you will learn about the Buddhist teachings from our knowledgeable dharma teachers and leaders, engage in life-enhancing practices, stimulate the mind during Q & A, meet new people on the path, and discover ancient and modern traditions. Also, you can become a NASBA supporting member to help maintain our movement’s activities and outreach. Visit our Membership page here to become a supporting member.
Second Step: Read about the Buddhist teachings. 
Although book knowledge is not a requirement for spiritual awakening, it is good for newcomers to get acquainted with its rich history and culture, and the inspiring example and life-changing teachings of the Buddha, the great masters and teachers throughout the ages. Also, seek out experience members who can mentor your walk along the path; their familiarity with Shin and compassion can serve as valuable guides in your journey. Visit our Buddhist Faith Fellowship’s Buddhism web pages here and its Recommended Books web page here for good suggestions on various books to get you further along the path.
Third Step: Practice the teachings. 
Believing in the teachings is not enough; you should strive to apply them in your daily life. Buddhism is about transforming your life and being a positive influence on others. Nobody can do it for you; you are responsible for your own happiness, success, and failure. Practices like meditation, prayer, sutra and/or nembutsu chanting, and deep self-reflection are all part of the American Shin lifestyle. By engaging with the teachings on a regular basis, you will eventually experience changes in your life and environment. See the Buddhist Faith Fellowship’s Suggested Daily Practices web page here to get started.
Fourth Step: Enroll in a course.
Our New England Institute for Buddhist Studies offers a sequential order of courses to help you grow in the teachings. For beginners, we suggest the Buddhism for Beginners, Buddhism 101 or the Discovering Shin Course. All of these courses meet just once a month, for a certain length of time or are distance learning programs, and are designed to meet the needs of busy people like you. In order to receive Affirmation (see Step 7), you must successfully complete either the Buddhism for Beginners or Buddhism 101 course. Visit our Institute’s web page here.
Fifth Step: Get involved in Your Fellowship.
There are many activities and programs that can help you apply the teachings to a social context and interact with others who are also following the path. Getting involved means helping your Fellowship fulfill its mission of healing suffering and sharing the Pure Land Way with the world. You can become part of our movement in building new communities, and widening its spiritual culture with all those who heed the call of Boundless Compassion. There is also a social aspect of getting involved like attending social gatherings, cultural events, fundraisers, and field trips. If you still have not yet become a supporting member, this is a good time to do so in order to directly help out the Fellowship realize its mission. Visit your local fellowship’s web pages for available activities and programs or asked one of your dharma teachers/leaders how you can get involved. In addition, you can visit our Buddhist Faith Fellowship’s Membership page here to become a NASBA supporting member
Sixth Step: Bring your family and friends. 
Walking the path becomes more meaningful when it is shared with others. If you have family or friends who are open to Buddhism, then certainly share the teachings with them and invite them to our Sunday gathering.
Seventh Step: Become a Buddhist.
Once you have walked through Steps One through Five, then you are eligible to officially become a Buddhist in the NASBA tradition through our Affirmation Ceremony. This ceremony is a simple yet deeply spiritual confirmation ritual that allows you to publicly acknowledge your personal spiritual experience and to express your commitment to the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha, and the Pure Land Way. While it is important to be familiar with the basic tenants of Buddhism, it is not necessary to accept all the teachings; however, you should be willing to consider them. The Buddha never asked his disciples to believe something because he said it. He said that one needed to prove it true for oneself. Visit our Become a Buddhist web page here to learn more.
Eighth Step: Give. 
More than just a practice, in Shin, generosity is connected with gratitude, which recognizes that you receive so much more than you can ever give back to others. It is the gracious spirit informed by insight that skillfully responds to the world at appropriate times. Generosity in this context unfolds spiritual leadership that freely and humbly offers love, faith and understanding. It can translate into volunteering at the Fellowship, sharing the dharma with others, mentoring others on the path, becoming a dharma teacher or even creating new Shin communities. Also, it expresses itself in giving financial support to the Fellowship to help realize its vision and mission. Furthermore, generosity can encompass becoming a volunteer in the local community and to assist social or environmental causes. In day to day living, it can be helping out a neighbor or stranger, taking time to listen to someone’s words or just practicing mindfulness in order to help this world become a peaceful and more compassionate place to live. Visit our Give web page here and visit your local fellowship’s web site to get involved.
Walking the Path: Completing the Growth Track 
Walking the Pure Land Way through our NASBA Growth Track is a journey that does not end at the Eighth Step. It is a continuous process of discovery, connection and re-engagement that offers a lifetime of insights and personal meaning. It is important to accept that it takes time to spiritually grow, transform, and awaken. We all have entangling habit energies and deeply negative personal karma to deal with. Therefore, you should strive to be patient and persistent with your spiritual development. Let us remember the Buddha, who after seven long years, finally receive the enlightenment experience under the Bodhi tree, and even then, for decades later, he continued to practice everyday.