Written by Rev. Daishin Senpai, M.A, this Buddhist Prayer for Peace was recited by the congregants at the Practice & Talk Meeting on Sunday, February 27, 2022.
“We pray for peace in the world.
May all beings everywhere, seen and unseen, close and far away
Be free from harm and danger.
May those who are entangled in the Russo-Ukrainian war
Civilian or military,
Be free from harm and danger.
We pray for all those already injured in this war,
May they quickly heal their bodies and emotions.
We pray for all those who have lost their lives during this conflict,
May they find fulfillment in the next life or in the Pure Land.
We pray that wisdom and compassion will prevail.
We pray that the leaders of these two countries can find a swift agreement for peace,
For the equal benefit of both of their peoples.
We pray that the nations of the world can work in harmony for the lasting benefit of the human race, other species, and the environment.
We pray for peace.
Namu Amida Butsu”