April 19th, Sunday morning Practice + Topic: Seeing through the Buddha’s Eyes

Sunday, April 19, 2015

After our regular Sunday morning practice which includes sitting and voice meditation, the dharma talk will be titled, Seeing Through the Eyes of the Buddha.

College for East Asian Studies

343 Washington Terrace,

Middletown, CT

10 – 12 noon

This is the first of a 2 talk series.  Explore the practice of contemplative photography and how looking mindfully though a camera (or cellphone!) lens can help us to practice mindfulness and gratitude while also teaching us about craving and impermanence.

Fellowship members and friends will be encouraged to try seeing in this way and capturing mindful moments throughout the following month. The 2nd talk in the series, scheduled on Sunday, May 31st, will involve Fellowship members and friends displaying the images they took and reflecting on their experiences capturing these moments. Presented by Pam Mulready.

Sliding scale suggested donation $10 – $20

A short Introduction to Meditation Training session will be held before the gathering at 9:45 a.m.


Visit www.bffct.org for more information.